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FREE for all plans: text and barcode VIN scanner, CARFAX and AutoCheck integration (using your existing account), auction run list data (from Edge Pipeline, SmartAuction, Adesa, Manheim, EBlock, and Auction Central), J.D. Power VIN Configuration automatic trim selection, and a no-risk 14 day free trial.

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Free for 2 weeks Delivers actionable intelligence and accurate car value data you can count on for both the wholesale and retail markets. Preview...

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Free for 2 weeks Formerly NADA. Standard for lenders when underwriting loans, and offering Enhanced Vehicle Values with pre-selected add / deducts and trims for the VIN. Preview...

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Free for 2 weeks Comprehensive data for wholesale and retail. A must have for trade-in negotiations and loan underwriting. Preview...

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Free for 2 weeks The Market Report is the premier indicator of wholesale prices and shows retail values, price history and projections. Preview...

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Free for 2 weeks A must-have for indpendent auction buyers and sellers. EDGE Pipeline sale transactions, trends and market pricing. Preview...

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Free for 2 weeks Daily wholesale data with critial market insight driven by thousands of transactions analyzed by remarketing specialists. Preview...

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Free for 2 weeks Insight into the inventory of your competitors. Average mileage and price, history specific pricing and analysis of comps. Preview...

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Free for 2 weeks Actual transaction data from dealers in the US, sale price, days on lot and profits. Comp analysis. Preview...

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Free for 2 weeks Critical insights into the inventory and sale performance of vehicles and dealers near you. Preview...

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Free for 2 weeks Advanced auction search tools. Find vehicles by price, profit, and much, much more... Preview...

Free for 2 Weeks
Cancel anytime before your trial ends without charge. Contract-free recurring billing starts at end of trial.
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