Announcing Pipeline Market Report

Announcing Pipeline Market Report

New independent Auction valuation available only with Carbly and Auction Edge

Carbly and Auction Edge, Inc. are excited to announce the release of the Pipeline Market Report, now available with Carbly desktop and mobile.

Pipeline Market Report

The Pipeline Market Report is the industry's first vehicle pricing guide driven solely by timely, independent auction sale data, encompassing near real time results from across the Auction Edge partner auctions. Market pricing is based on actual vehicle sale transactions, providing dealers with more confidence when buying and selling vehicles at auction.

Auction Edge and Carbly have partnered to create a solution for dealers looking for not only wholesale pricing guidance, but also an unfiltered look into the data that drives independent auction sales.

Pipeline Market Report is available exclusively on Carbly.

  • 100% transparency: VIN-level sale comps. View actual sale details, condition reports, and pricing associated with transactions that drive the pricing guidance. A true look under the hood.
  • Volume, Volume, Volume: access to over 175 independent auctions selling approximately 50k units a week or just over 2.5 million per year.
  • Wholesale market data set with historical trend lines showing you where the market is headed and how quickly it’s moving.
  • Daily transaction updates mean dealers can stay on top of rapid market shifts.

Carbly and Auction Edge are in the perfect position to deliver accurate wholesale pricing data, helping dealers make more informed buying and selling decisions.

Try Pipeline Market Report for Free
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